Small Dried Lavender Bouquet with Larkspur or Billy Balls
Small Dried Lavender Bouquet with Larkspur or Billy Balls
Our delightful Small Flower Bouquet consists of a perfect blend of fragrant French lavender, dried star flowers, and your choice of pink larkspur or yellow Billy Balls. Tied with burlap and twine, this bouquet exudes rustic charm.
This Lavender Bouquet is ideal for weddings or other special occasions, adding a touch of natural elegance to your special day. The dried mixed bouquet showcases the beauty of French lavender, larkspur, and Billy Balls, emitting a lovely aroma that fills your space with flower fragrance.
Embrace the farmhouse charm of these dried flowers, crafted to bring lasting allure to any setting. Whether as a gift or for your own enjoyment, this small bouquet is sure to delight with its enchanting beauty and sweet fragrance.
- measure appr. 14" long x 6" wide
- dried flowers
- 2 options available